
Welcome to the Centre for Responsible Leadership

Dear Responsible Leaders,

Welcome to the Centre for Responsible Leadership (CRL) community! We are so excited for you to join us.

The Centre for Responsible Leadership offers a non-partisan, secure platform where leaders from around the world, from every level and sector of society, can come together and reflect on the issues they face and how to lead the way forward responsibly.

We invite you to join us here for:

●     “Responsible Dialogues” -- regular, online gatherings focused on specific issues or themes that are crucial in these times. Here leaders can gather, share challenges and solutions, and reflect on their own ideas about responsible leadership.

●     Online networking and community building events

●     Information on mentorship opportunities

●     Explainers and news focused on pressing issues

●     Position Papers, outlining what we in the CRL community believe are the most important factors to be considered in formulating enduring and meaningful solutions to major crises before us

In the last few years, leaders across the planet have been confronted with a global pandemic, while at the same time we here in the U.S. have experienced a rapid deterioration of civility, as evidenced by the violent assault on democracy at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. There is, as a result, a unique and urgent necessity to bring people together to create a new way forward from which all people can benefit.

CRL is a non-partisan space for all, but we welcome healthy and vigorous debate on the issues we will consider together. It is not whether we disagree, but how we disagree, that makes us responsible leaders.

What makes a responsible leader? We have our own ideas, but we also welcome yours. Ultimately, you decide if you are a responsible leader.

We look forward to seeing how the idea of responsible leadership evolves, develops, and spreads as we all join together in this collective, reflective endeavor.

The CRL Platform is yours as much as ours, so let’s use it to its fullest. Together we can build the world we want for ourselves, our children, and our children’s children to thrive!

Responsibly Yours,


Bawa Jain
